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Friday, February 17, 2017

Phil Cummings Wins A Huge Pot Just Before Final Break

The flop was KcKcKc and Craig Casino led out for 16,000. Phil Cummings called and the next player in shoved all in for 84,000. Casino called the all in and Cummings then shoved over the top for about 40,000 more. Casino took a few moments before eventually calling.

Cummings was in the lead with KcKc, the first player to go all in was in second place holding KcKc, and Casino was in third place with KcKc. Cummings' set of sixes held and he won the 320,000 chip pot right before the final break of the day.

Phil Cummings - 320,000
Craig Casino - 42,000

Level - 12
Blinds - 800/1,600
Antes - 300
Entries - 75/233

-- Brent Harrington - Hold'em Live Updates

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