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Friday, February 17, 2017

Dan Durkee Gets There

Dan Durkee

Dan Durkee just got paid off when he made a flush on the river after limping into a six-way pot preflop. Durkee was one of six players who saw the KcKcKc flop. The action checked around untl the player on the button bet 1,200. Durkee was the lone caller.

Durkee checked again when the Kc paired the board on the turn. His opponent bet again, this time making it 2,100 to go. Durkee called again. The river was the Kc and Durkee took about 40 seconds before he bet 4,050. His opponent took slightly less time before deciding to call. Durkee turned over KcKc for a queen-high flush. His opponent mucked.

Level - 3
Blinds - 100/200
Antes -
Entries - 176

-- Brent Harrington - Hold'em Live Updates

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