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Monday, September 4, 2017

Bryan Skreens - 4th Place - $48,009

Bryan Skreens moves all in and James Calvo asks for a count, hears it is 930,000 and reraises all-in. Gary Herstein and Darrell Haywood get out of the way and up go the cards.

Skreens - Kc Kc
Calvo - Kc Kc

The board runs out Kc Kc Kc Kc Kc and Skreens - winner of the Majestic Star $1100 two weeks ago - finishes 4th today for a $48,009 cash.

Calvo has been on a heater of late, now up to 4.4 million.

Blinds - 25k/50k
Antes - 5k
Remaining - 3

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