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Monday, September 4, 2017

Herstein Gets Some Back

Gary Herstein opens to 180,000 and Darell Haywood raises 380,000 and Herstein calls.

The flop comes  qc Kc Kc and Haywood makes it 450,000, with a call from Herstein.

Kc is the turn, Haywood leads out for 650,000, Herstein raises to 1.2 million and Haywood folds.

Herstein moves to 7.5 million and Haywood slips to 8 million. From a 3 million chip lead early, this is the closest the players have been heads-up.

There's now a LevelUp, so action is at

Blinds - 40k/80k
Antes - 10k
Remaining - 2

Dan Ross - Hold'em Live Updates

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