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Friday, July 27, 2018


Sally Rowden has been shortstacked for quite some time. She won a few pots over the last couple orbits after taking down the blinds and antes with all-in bets.

A few moments ago, Rowden pushed her last 8k in chips into the middle once more, this time from under the gun. Past champ Greg Jennings (pictured) came over the top for more from the button. Brad Sailor folded from the big blind and the two remaining players showed their cards.

Rowden - KcKc

Jennings - KcKc

Rowden was in great shape to double after the flop and turn but the Kc on the river sent her to the rail.

"I will continue to enjoy following you on Twitter," said Rowden as she left the table.

Jennings is up to about 72k with 50 minutes to go until dinner break.

Level: 8 (8:00 remaining)
Blinds: 400/800
BB Ante: 800

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