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Friday, July 27, 2018


Today's field was predominantly men and Matthew Leecy (pictured) just took out the final woman standing.

Charlotte Holland had an above average stack at dinner and she looked poised to make a run at a decent stack for Day 2. Until she ran into Matthew Leecy.

In a battle of the blinds, the two went to a KcKcKc flop. Holland led out for 10.5k and Leecy called behind.

Holland bet 15k into the Kc turn and again got a call from Leecy.

On the final street, the Kc came out. Holland went with the 15k bet again, leaving about 15k more behind. Leecy did indeed raise just enough to put her all in.

Holland quickly called and showed K10 for top pair but it was Leecy's KcKc that took the pot.

Matthew Leecy - ~145,000

Charlotte Holland - OUT

Level: 13 (14:00 remaining)
Blinds: 1,200/2,400
BB Ante: 2,400
Flight A Total: 107
Remaining: 26

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