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Friday, July 27, 2018


Last time we saw Greg Wood he finished 5th at an Ameristar St. Charles event for $31,754. The St. Charles native made the 4-hour trek west across I-70 to play in this weekend's $1,650 Main Event in Kansas City.

Wood and Forshey were heads up on a river with close to 50k already in the pot. The board read KcKcKc Kc Kc.

Wood put out a bet of 18.5 and Forshey raised to 54k. We've seen Forshey putting pressure on his opponents in similar spots a lot in the last few orbits. Wood hesitated but ultimately made the call.

Forshey showed KcKc for the bluff. Wood flipped over KcKc for the winner with bottom two.Greg Wood - 210k Ted Forshey - 61kLevel: 14 (32:00 remaining)
Blinds: 1,500/3,000
BB Ante: 3,000
Flight A Total: 107
Remaining: 26

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